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 pretty woman 的日記本
2006/03/26的日記 2006-03-26   天氣:   心情:

It has been raining for a few days, so this weather make me feel sleepy on weekend. In fact, a sweet sleeping can be forgotten ab ...《看全文

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2006/03/19的日記 2006-03-19   天氣:   心情:

I like to go shopping during my free weekends. In fact, I have not gone shopping for a few weekds. When I went to shopping, every ...《看全文

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2006/03/04的日記 2006-03-04   天氣:   心情:

My eyes are getting better this weekend.That's why I can come here for writing some words.It was not easy for me to work last wee ...《看全文

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2006/02/26的日記 2006-02-26   天氣:   心情:

Yesterday my eye got a small surgery(眼翼). This was the first time for me to lie down in the surgical room.I was kind of nervous. ...《看全文

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2006/02/19的日記 2006-02-19   天氣:   心情:

It goes fast on Feb. I do have some plans for myself. Hopefully, everything will be working well.. Life... Work.... and my Love.. ...《看全文

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2006/02/02的日記 2006-02-02   天氣:   心情:

The Chinese New Year vacation is over. Did you do something special? I did not do anything special, but I had a good time with my ...《看全文

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pretty woman的日記本
日記起始日:  2010-07-20
日記總篇數:  156
瀏覽總人數:  12775 人次
收藏總指數:  0    加入我的收藏
愛的鼓勵總數: 13303
貼紙收集總數: 159

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