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 pretty woman 的日記本
2005/12/26的日記 2005-12-26   天氣:   心情:

Compliments can make you feel happy. Criticism may make you feel unhappy. I would like to hear more compliments from my work, but ...《看全文

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2005/12/25的日記 2005-12-25   天氣:   心情:

Since I asked the Santa to send me a gift, I went to shopping mall this afternoon. I did not only go shopping, but I also read so ...《看全文

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2005/12/24的日記 2005-12-24   天氣:   心情:

It is Christmas eve, and I am alone tonight. However, I am not lonly because Santa is with me. he said that he will send me a spe ...《看全文

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2005/12/23的日記 2005-12-23   天氣:   心情:

It is Friday! When I was in the USA, I liked Fridays. I have a lot of memories when I was a student in America. Fridays remind of ...《看全文

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2005/12/22的日記 2005-12-22   天氣:   心情:

The temperature is really low today. That's why we call" 冬至" and it makes sense. Does anyone eat 湯圓? I don't. Please take care ...《看全文

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2005/12/21的日記 2005-12-21   天氣:   心情:

This is the first time for me to write here. Since Xmas is coming soon, I would like tell Santa Claus somthings. Hopefully, our ...《看全文

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pretty woman的日記本
日記起始日:  2010-07-20
日記總篇數:  156
瀏覽總人數:  12764 人次
收藏總指數:  0    加入我的收藏
愛的鼓勵總數: 13303
貼紙收集總數: 159

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  • 夏天到了 
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  • 揮別2014 
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  • 我的富爸爸 
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  • 端午節 
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  • 2014-05-11
  • 日月潭一遊 
  • 2014-04-26
  • 同學會! 
  • 2014-02-03
  • 放寒假 
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