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 pretty woman 的日記本
a wedding party 2011-01-30   天氣:   心情:

It was a nice wedding party at Grand Hyatt Taipei.<br /> My aunt s grandson got married on Saturday.<br /> So we had ...《看全文

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挨一針 2011-01-24   天氣:   心情:

昨晚久久無法入眠 而且是咳嗽不停 爸媽建議要我去院掛急診 但是我仍然堅持要找熟悉的耳鼻喉科陳醫師 今天一早向醫師詳訴我的病況  後來挨一針 果然見效 如果不是重病 我知道最好不吃藥 不打針 多喝水自然會好 不過經歷這次重感冒 我應該更警惕自 ...《看全文

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i got a cold 2011-01-23   天氣:   心情:

it is too bad that i have got a cold  sice last week.  I did not have a serious cold for a few years. My parents were ...《看全文

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cold 2011-01-16   天氣:   心情:

it is really cold today. I went to the swimming pool this morning for relaxing. It was great to have fun there during the co ...《看全文

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憂傷的星期五 2010-12-18   天氣:   心情:

昨天下午外師一副很憂傷的表情進入辦公室 很不尋常 原來是他澳洲家母不幸去世  無法看到最後一面 他說 Wendy , you are very lucky becuase your mom is healthy now. 忽然讓我感受 ...《看全文

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appreciation! 2010-11-28   天氣:   心情:

Thank you for many people who have prayed for my mom. I know that she is getting better and better. I did not come ...《看全文

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pretty woman的日記本
日記起始日:  2010-07-20
日記總篇數:  156
瀏覽總人數:  12765 人次
收藏總指數:  0    加入我的收藏
愛的鼓勵總數: 13303
貼紙收集總數: 159

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  • 夏天到了 
  • 2015-06-05
  • 揮別2014 
  • 2014-12-31
  • 我的富爸爸 
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  • 端午節 
  • 2014-06-01
  • 母親節 
  • 2014-05-11
  • 日月潭一遊 
  • 2014-04-26
  • 同學會! 
  • 2014-02-03
  • 放寒假 
  • 2014-01-26
  • 教師節 
  • 2013-09-28

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