我真的很想說...你真的有病耶! 吃飽沒事來調查,我的點點滴滴...(都忍不住同情你了) 嫁一個不愛自己,心裡有別人的老公,再莫名其妙的去仇視另一個人!!!!(不是有病,是什麼?) 人的一生很短,選一個愛自己的人,這輩子不是都很好過嗎? ...《看全文》
Quality tools It is important to have quality tools to identify and analyse what the exactly root causes are. Some processes or m ...《看全文》
With the increase of population and the frequent economic activities, motor vehicles face the enormous challenge. The economical g ...《看全文》
Life cycle management is a quite important skill for companies’ management and facilities’ maintenance. With the increase of popul ...《看全文》
今天是我enn530上台報告的日子 有一位男老師跟女老師~女老師說~我的報告做很好~只是顏色沒有對應到 不過~他說~我應該是第一次用英文上台報告吧 我回答maybe~因為~我不知道該回答yes還是no 正式課程~這是第一次~但是~我也曾 ...《看全文》
Topic: Transformational Cities Transformational cities were excessive speed as the result of developing countries move on ...《看全文》