W:Are you ready to go to lunch? M:First I need to ask a question regarding our benefits. W:OK. Shoot. 問:What will they do? ...《看全文》
The Scar 伤疤 A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary school s first teacher-parent conference. To the little boy ...《看全文》
鲍西丝和费莱蒙 As was the common practice with the gods of Olympus, Zeus and Hermes were visiting the world in disguise. One day th ...《看全文》
下列何者不是狀聲詞? 1.琅琅 2.牙牙 3.孳孳 4.嘖嘖。 答案為3 1.(1) 形容金石相擊的聲音。(2) 形容清朗的讀書聲。(3) 形容蛇皮鼓的聲音。 2.形容幼兒學說話的聲音 3.勤勉不怠 4.(1) 形容蟲鳥鳴叫聲。(2) 形容咂嘴聲 ...《看全文》
「一路經行處,莓苔見屐痕。白雲依靜渚,芳草閉閒門。遇雨看松色,隨山到水源。溪花與禪意,□□□□□。」(常建〈尋南溪常道士〉)請問空格應填入的詩句是: 1.從今又幾年2.歸來且 ...《看全文》
【新每日一問】 楚人居貧,讀《淮南》,方得「螳螂伺蟬自鄣葉可以隱形」,遂於樹下仰取葉。螳螂執葉伺蟬,以摘之,葉落樹下,樹下先有落葉,不能復分,別埽取數斗歸,一一以葉自鄣,問其妻曰:「汝見我不?」妻始時恆答言:「見。」經日乃厭倦不堪,紿云:「不見。」嘿然大喜 ...《看全文》