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 pretty woman 的日記本
2008/10/05的日記 2008-10-05   天氣:   心情:

It is a sunny Sunday. I did not go to the swimming pool for a while. Well, I think that my swimming is getting better. If I stop ...《看全文

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2008/10/04的日記 2008-10-04   天氣:   心情:

How a nice Saturday! People enjoy their weekends , but some people don't. I know parents who are busy on weeknends cuz their kids ...《看全文

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2008/10/02的日記 2008-10-02   天氣:   心情:

The weather is getting cooler now. It means the fall season is coming. I ejoy this kind of weather becuse it makes me feel comfor ...《看全文

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2008/09/29的日記 2008-09-29   天氣:   心情:

這個月實在太多颱風ㄌ 對於一些辛苦耕作的農夫真的很大損失 當學生可能是皆大歡喜 撿到一天颱風假 看到電視報導 有些山上的居民也可憐 我們還是一群幸福的上班族 有些人利用颱風假逛街 尤其是電影院大概是人山人海 我覺得待在家裡比較安全舒適 不用提心吊膽外面的大風 ...《看全文

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2008/08/22的日記 2008-08-22   天氣:   心情:

因為現在不是會員ㄌ 如果你想要留言給我 可以留在MSN I will give u some words back. Thanks a lot! WL0330@自己想像囉 因為不能留Email. 可以猜測 hotmail.com 是正確的! ...《看全文

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2008/07/18的日記 2008-07-18   天氣:   心情:

When I woke up this monring and watched the news. I was so surprised, and I could not believe it. It was raining so hard. So the ...《看全文

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pretty woman的日記本
日記起始日:  2010-07-20
日記總篇數:  156
瀏覽總人數:  12786 人次
收藏總指數:  0    加入我的收藏
愛的鼓勵總數: 13303
貼紙收集總數: 159

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  • 我的富爸爸 
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  • 2014-05-11
  • 日月潭一遊 
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  • 同學會! 
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