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 pretty woman 的日記本
2007/05/29的日記 2007-05-29   天氣:   心情:

The weather is pretty hot now, but I got a bad cold. it made me feel not comfortable for a few days. After i got sick, I know tha ...《看全文

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2007/03/30的日記 2007-03-30   天氣:   心情:

Today is my birthday! No party and nothing was specail... Anyway, I made some wishes.... ...《看全文

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2007/03/11的日記 2007-03-11   天氣:   心情:

I have been busy and lazy for a few days, so I did not write anything for a while. This weekend feels cold, but I feel warm in my ...《看全文

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2007/02/24的日記 2007-02-24   天氣:   心情:

今年的年假特別長 覺得精神有些懶散 明天是最後一天假日 大概要準備做收心操 I have a nice vacation with my family. No matter what I do, my parenst always love me much ...《看全文

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2007/02/17的日記 2007-02-17   天氣:   心情:

Yesterday was the last day for students before they go to their schools. I have seen my students who grow up a lot! It means that ...《看全文

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2007/02/14的日記 2007-02-14   天氣:   心情:

今天是西洋情人節 祝福 "有情人都成眷屬" "沒有情人要更加幸福" 其實情人節也造就生意人的商機 許多人腦筋動應變快 商人也許趁機撈一筆 我相信如果兩人真心相愛 那是不會刻意在乎情人節這一 天 因為他們天天過情人節 Agree? ...《看全文

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pretty woman的日記本
日記起始日:  2010-07-20
日記總篇數:  156
瀏覽總人數:  12790 人次
收藏總指數:  0    加入我的收藏
愛的鼓勵總數: 13303
貼紙收集總數: 159

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  • 夏天到了 
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  • 揮別2014 
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  • 日月潭一遊 
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  • 同學會! 
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  • 放寒假 
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