Romeo and Juliet_羅密歐與茱麗葉
Long time ago in Verona, Italy, there lived two famous families, the Montagues and the Capulets. These two houses were deadly enemies, and their enmity did not stop at harsh words, but extended to bloody duels and sometimes death.
Romeo, Son of old Montague, thought himself in love with Rosaline, a beautiful girl who did not return his affection. Hearing that Rosaline was to attend a great feast at the house of Capulet, Romeo and his trusted friend, Mercutio, put on masks and entered the great hall as invited guests. But Romeo was no sooner in the ballroom than he noticed the exquisite Juliet, The old Capulets’ daughter, and instantly forgot his disdainful Rosaline. Romeo had never seen Juliet before, and in asking her name. It is aroused the suspicion of Tybalt, a fiery member of the Capulet clan. Tybalt drew his sword and faced Romeo. But old Capulet, coming upon the two men and parted them, with the gentility that comes with age requested that they have no bloodshed at the feast. Tylbat, however, was angered that a Montague should take part in Capulet festivities, and afterward nursed a grudge against Romeo.
In the feast, Romeo asked to Juliet if he might kiss her hand. She gave her permission.She was much impressed by this unknown gentleman whose affection for her was so evident. Romeo then begged to kiss her lips. When she had no breath to object, Romeo pressed Juliet to him. They were interrupted by Juliet’s nurse, who sent the young girl off to her mother. When she had gone, Romeo learned from the nurse that Juliet was a Capulet. He was stunned, but could never give her up easily. On the meanwhile, Juliet, who had fallen instantly in the love with Romeo, discovered that he was a Montague, the son of a hated house.
That night, Romeo was too much in love to go home to sleep. Romeo stole to Juliet’s house and stood in the orchard beneath a balcony that led to her room. To his surprise, he saw Juliet leaning over the railing above him. Thinking herself alone. Juliet began to talk of Romeo and wished aloud that he were not a Montague. After hearing her words, could contain himself no longer, but spoke to her. She was frightened at first, when he saw who it was she was confused and ashamed that he had overhead her confession. But it was too late to pretend reluctance, as was the fashion for sweethearts in those days. Juliet freely admitted her passion, and the two exchanged vows of love. Juliet told Romeo that she would marry him and would send him word by nine o’clock the next morning to arrange for their wedding.After that, Romeo went off to the monastery cell of Friar Lawrence to enlist marriage between Romeo and Juliet in the ceremony. The good friar was much impressed with Romeo‘s devotion. He thought that the union of a Montague and a Capculet would dissolve the enmity between the two houses. He promised to marry Romeo and Juliet.
Early the next morning on nine o’clock, while Romeo was company with his friend, Mercutio and his cousin, Benvolio, Romeo received Juliet‘s message, brought by her nurse. He told the old woman of his arrangement with Friar Lawrence and bade her carry the word back to Juliet. The nurse kept the secret and gave her mistress the message. When Juliet appeared at the friar’s cell at the appointed time, she and Romeo were married. But the time was short and Juliet had to hurry home. Before she left, Romeo promised that he would meet her in the orchard underneath the balcony after dark that night.
The same day, Romeo’s friend, Mercutio and his cousin, Benvolio was loitering with in the streets when Tybalt came by with some servants of the Capulet’s house. Tybalt still holding his grudge against Romeo, accused Mercutio of keeping company with hateful and villainous young Montague. Mercutio proud of his friend ship with Romeo, could not take insult lightly, for he was as hot-tempered when provoked as Tybalt himself. The two were beginning their heated quarrel, when Romeo returned from his wedding. He was appalled at the situation because he knew that Juliet was fond of Tybalt, and he wished no injury to his wife’s people. He tried in vain to settle the argument peaceably. Mercutio was infuriated by Romeo’s soft words, and Tybalt called Romeo a villain. Mercutio drew his sword and rushed to his friend’s defense. But Tybalt was the better swordsman. He gave Mercutio a mortal wound. Romeo could ignore the fight no longer. Enraged at the death of his friend, he rushed to Tybalt with drew sword and killed him quickly. The fight soon brought crowds of people to the spot. For his part in the fray, Romeo was banished from Verona and fooled by the fortune.
Hiding out from the police, he went to Friar Lawrence’s cell with sorrow. The friar advised him to go to his wife that night, and then at dawn to flee to Mantua until the friar saw fit to publish the news of the wedding. Romeo consented to follow this advice. As darkness fell, he went to meet Juliet. When dawn appeared, heartsick Romeo left for Mantua.
Meanwhile, Juliet’s father decided that it was time for his daughter to get marry. Having not the slightest idea of her love for Romeo. Juliet’s father demanded that she accepted her handsome and wealthy suitor, Paris. Juliet was horrified at her father‘s proposal but dared not tell him of her marriage because of Romeo’s part in Tybalt’s death. She feared that her husband would be instantly sought out and killed if her family learned of the marriage.
At first she tried to put off her father with excuses, but it failed to persuade him. She went in dread to Friar Lawrence to ask the monk, what she could. He told her to be brave. The friar gave her a small flask of liquid which he told her to swallow it the night before her wedding with Paris. This liquid would make her appear to be dead for a certain length of time; her seemingly lifeless body would be placed in an open tomb for few days. During the time the friar would send for Romeo, who should rescue his bride when she awoke from the powerful effects of the draught. After that, the two would be able to flee from Verona. Juliet almost lost courage over this desperate venture, but she promised to obey the friar. On the way home she met Paris and modestly promised to be his bride.
The great house of the Capulets had no sooner prepared for a lavish wedding than it became the scene of a mournful funeral. For Juliet swallow the strong liquid draught and seemed as lifeless as death itself. Her anguish family sadly placed her body in the tomb.
Meanwhile Friar Lawrence wrote to Romeo in Mantua, telling him about the plan which the lovers could make their escape together. But these letters failed to reach Romeo before word of Juliet’s death arrived. He determined to go to Verona and take his Last farewell of her as she lay in her tomb, and with the help of poison procured from an apothecary to die by her side.
Reaching the tomb at night, Romeo was surprised to find a young man there. It was Paris who had come to weep over his lost bride, who thinking Romeo was a grave robber. He drew his sword and warned him that he was desperate and armed. Paris in loyalty to Juliet fell upon Romeo, but Romeo with all the fury of his desperation killed him. By the light of a lantern, Romeo recognized Paris and taking pity on one who had also loved Juliet. He dragged Paris into the tomb so that Paris could be near her too. Then Romeo went to the bier of his beautiful bride. After taking leave of her with a kiss, he drank the poison which he had brought with him and soon died by her side.
It was near the time for Juliet to awaken from her deathlike sleep. The Friar hearing that Romeo had never received his letters. He went himself to deliver Juliet from the tomb. When he arrived, he found Romeo had dead. When Juliet waked and asked for her husband. Then she saw Romeo was lying near her with an empty cup in his hands. She guessed what he had done. She tried to kiss some of the poison from his lips that she might be dead too, But failing in this. She unsheathed his dagger and without hesitation plunged it into her breast.
By the time, a guard had come up. Seeing the dead lovers and the body of Paris, he rushed off in horror to spread the news. When the Capulets and Montagues arrived at the tomb, the friar told them of the unhappy fate which had befallen Romeo and Juliet, whose only sin had been to love. His account of their tender and beautiful romance shamed the two families, and over the bodies of their dead children, they swore to end the feud of many years.