It is hard to be a house man and be single dad, but I am ejnoying it.
Prepare the food, go to the Catholic Mass, singing in the Choir, prey to the God, come home, cook the food for son and his friends, cleaning the dishes, playing with 3.5 month puppy Romeo. Finally has my own time.
Pepole might think it is boring, but I am enjoying them and feel big complishment in them.
That is how I spent my weekend. Don t know how long this kind of life will go on, kids grow fast than you expeected. Suddenly they are grownup, don t need you to be around any more. But you are happy they have been developed their own personality and be good boys.
First time I write the diary, hope I can keep going and share my personal life with you.
Now it is 9:30PM, it is about time I have own personal time to express my peronal feeling.
Love to have frineds to share with my feeling and life experience.