Seattle 是 Starbucks and Seattle Best Coffee 的發源地. Amita 告訴我此地人開車很瘋狂. 我答 “because they consume too much coffee !” Amita 莞爾不答. 晚上我們到郊區的中國餐館用餐;美國的中國菜是不能與臺灣的中國菜相提並論(甚至比不上路邊攤的熱炒). 我點了臭豆腐要請Amita吃. “No, I don’t think so.” ‘Why not?” “Because it stinks” “That’s why we call it stinking tofu, and it tastes great!”. ”…”. 席間我向 Amita 誇下海口:”Taipei is the capital of Chinese food”並邀約他來台北品嘗道地的中國菜. 再度與Amita 見面, 我內心是相當歡喜的! To be continued …