今天介紹這個 日本團體 或許有點遲了 主唱已經在上個禮拜死了 這兩天才發現這團體的歌 有點晚了 也讓我想到十年以上以前的董事長樂團 當時的人氣直逼五月天 如果不是主唱當時也太早死的話 或許.....題外話了 來介紹他一首
Same as you are 網址這邊有MV http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt4AAkLLack 有附中文翻譯
It’s just another day
I was in the club
You were standing an your eyes were empty
That was? the first time you came into my heart
那是第一次 你進入了我的心房
Then we spent the night
I thought just this one night
But you left something that I’ve never had in my life
Maybe that’s why Im crying
I never had this feeling in my life
It’s just another day
I was at the club
You were standing and your eyes were empty
That was the first time you came into my heart
I tried to forget you
Your memory wont leave me
I feel you always somewhere inside of me
I can’t get you out of my mind
I know Im in love
You can trust me girl
I promise I love you
I am missing you
I’ve never feel this way
I won’t let you go, so dont go anywhere
Here I am for you
As long as you think you wanna be with me
I know why youre angry about
Cuz I that was used to be
That’s how I used to be
You made me forget myself
I know why you’re angry about
Cuz that was I used to be
That’s how I used to be