TA:It's our equation for today-->
+=baby+some other stuff
let's pretend the girl is the acid because we're dealing with a really shy chemical today and the boy is the base..well..when acid +base, we'll get salt(baby) and H2O(some other stuff) for our result. As you guys can see, the NaCl I got from my lab this morning, you guys might not be able to see it in your life if you are not a chem major, so take a look. It's a really amazing chemical, see, she can make herself wet......
頓時..全班哄堂大笑....TA....上化學實驗不需要講黃色笑話吧....= ="....我都笑到肚子痛了...而且他好像不知道為什ㄇ我們在笑....一直到後來有人跟他說...他才發覺..他再無意間...說ㄌㄍ頗黃的笑話...呵...我記得我剛來的時候好像也犯過這種錯...呵呵..題外話題外話...