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 sandyichiro 的日記本
A new friend 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Hospital
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篇名: A foreigner
作者: sandyichiro 日期: 2006.02.24  天氣:  心情:

[:o?]Most Taiwanese like to see foreigners and talk to them. One of my co-workers is a foreigner from South Africa. I really don't like to talk to him because he is so boring that everyone doesn't like to be with him. Why? He's a good-looking person and tall. But, when you talk to him and you'll find you can't go on your conversation. At that time I could understand why he almost has no friends. The most important thing is he doesn't like chikdren and dogs. BUT his job is teaching children English, isn't it strange? I just want to tell everyone not every foreigner is like the person in AMERICAN MOVIES. [:)]
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