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 ~Mimi~想要放假.. 的日記本
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篇名: San Diego Fire
作者: ~Mimi~想要放假.. 日期: 2007.10.22  天氣:  心情:
There’s fire all over the Ramona area…they asked people to leave their houses in Escondido, Rancho San Diego Area, and where else?...Anyway, it’s a BIG area they empty out. I could say from 15N, 78 and 56. Those freeways for sure it’s closed. My friend already moved to his mom-in-law’s house for the moment. La Jolla area smells soooo bad...like smoke...Gosh, it’s so hard to sleep last night...I kept the air filter on, rubbed my smelling good oil all over the wall, so I will be able to sleep a little, but my throat is totally bad not (like when you catch a serious flu) and my eyes are so dry I can’t wear my contact...

Fire still burning...seems be more under control than yesterday...but it’s super windy today...so, we will see. They sent all the students home already...what about us? =__+ We are people, too...
瀏覽次數:62    人氣指數:2862    累積鼓勵:140
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時間:2007-10-27 01:20
她, 47歲,San Francisco,教育研究
時間:2007-10-26 01:22
他, 48歲,高雄市,資訊
