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 唯一的唯一 的日記本
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篇名: 奈兒-Baby I Love
作者: 唯一的唯一 日期: 2013.04.02  天氣:  心情:
Che'Nelle - Baby I Love U

Baby I love U 寶貝我愛你

I love U 我愛你

I love U 我愛你

I have found the only one 你是我所追尋的那個唯一

Only one

That is meant for me 那個我命中註定中的唯一

U're always on my mind 你永遠在我心中

I'll go through whatever我將為此不顧一切

Me and U will ride into eternity你和我將駛入永恆

Baby we can go places寶貝我們能抵達一切地方

Maybe a trip around the world或者一場環球旅行

As U and I look up into the clouds當你和我一起看天空的雲彩

I keep tellin' myself 我一直告訴我自己

I gotta tell him how I feel inside我一定要告訴你我的內心感受

I guess I l​​a-la but I keep holdin' back 我猜我啦啦~ 一直在膽怯

Cos I don't wanna scare U away 因為我不想把你嚇跑~

Yeah it's just me, so frustrated 是的這就是我,如此挫敗

I wish I'd say it naturally我希望我能將它自然的說出口

My heart is racing 我的心跳在加速

Cos boy I want U constantly因為男孩我一直堅定的想要得到你

Me and U and now chemistry你和我和此刻的化學作用

It's so amazing that I want it more 如此神奇我想要更多這樣的神奇!

But I can't help bout think that U have some1 else但是我無法自製的想你或許已經有了別人在身邊

Don't wanna pay my mind attention this way別想這樣吸引我的心的注意力

I try to block it out 我會試著阻止它!

All this time with you和你在一起的這時間

I can't believe I have a doubt 我無法相信我還有質疑

I'm so crazy but U could save me我已經那麼瘋掉而你卻能拯救我

Baby, please let me know U're in love with me寶貝請讓我知道你也在愛著我

(Baby I don't know why)寶貝我不知道為什麼

I'm telling stories in my head 我在自己的腦袋中講故事

Now I can't sleep at night現在到了夜晚我無法入睡

(And baby U donno why)而寶貝我不知道為什麼

Leavin' me tonight 今夜就離開我

It just don't feel right 我只是覺得不對勁

But I can't wait til I'll be seeing U here again 但是我又迫不及待直到在這再次見到你

I'm tryin to break my insecurities so I can explain我在試著打開心防讓我能解釋

Everything I wanna say that I kept inside 一切我想說的話我都將他們存在心裡

What's all around me baby I don't care在我身邊的一切寶貝我並不關心

Ur face is all I see when U're not here當你不在你的臉頰是我所能看到的一切的一切

And I'm so surprised though I get carried away而我又如此驚訝然後還是為你著迷

I could lose a day 我可以丟掉一天

From thinkin U might not feel the same只因一直在想你是否也在有同樣的感覺

But let me just say 但是 只讓我說

I gotta turn it up我要將它開啟

Cos it don't matter 因為沒有關係
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