檔案狀態:    住戶編號:858654
 天才羅可 的日記本
情人節快樂.... 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 回應五柳先生的文[霹靂後援會
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篇名: 11:11 A New Ear
作者: 天才羅可 日期: 2012.02.14  天氣:  心情:
11:11 A New Earth [轉貼的...美好的音樂..網址如下:


I am following the call of my heart to create uplifting and transformative videos for humanity. I recently committed 100% to this as my life-path and am trusting that support & abundance will flow towards this path as a result of the leap of faith that I am demonstrating to Father/Mother/God/Universe in honouring the call of my soul. My vision is to create videos that lift the hearts, mind, spirit and soul of billions, to assist in grounding the New Earth and to provide a channel for my own creativity to flow and be enjoyed by all. I am currently focussed on honing my video editing skills, acquiring technology and resources to develop my videos even further and are collaborating with other artists to enable this vision to manifest. If you feel inspired to assist in my process, and would like to help make my vision a reality, I invite you to make a contribution that feels good for you. All amounts are received with much gratitude and aloha, and much Mahalo s to all who have already donated!!!! Thank you. :D Blessings, Appreciation & love from my heart to yours.....namaste ❤

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情人節快樂.... 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 回應五柳先生的文[霹靂後援會