這幾天發生滴事真滴很瞎, 哈哈. 也好好笑!
這幾天不知道為啥.. 我們一掛人上課都在傳紙條.. 上面是其中一張!
哈哈~ 會看不懂在講啥對吧! 沒關係, 讓我慢慢解釋一下啦!
今天滴課真滴悶到不行, 教授不知道為啥. 最近都在講他家裡滴事
一堆人都在睡覺. 哈哈.. 場面真滴好好笑唷! 不過真滴有點不尊重教授
不管啦! 反正自己認真看看書會懂就好! 很扯哦! [:%%]
正在大家都很無聊滴時候, 最愛傳紙條滴Calisa把紙遞給我
轉過去一看"噗.... 哈哈.. " 笑出來啦! 他在整理毛毛,不是頭髮! 哈哈
我接著寫了一句"無聊耶你.. 上課啦[:-]"
Calvin把紙搶了過去 "那裡阿.. 刷毛?.. 哇哈哈.. 你們無不無聊阿"
Kenneth"真色.. calisa, u ar so crazy!"
Kelli" Where? Where? Where? DAMN.. i cannot see, man!"
Franes:" guyzz.. which one? haha.. so funny"
Sara:" FUNNY?? ah... Nasty.. OK?"
Janet:" Dont bother me!! i want to be free, and be cute, and be lonely, and be happi, and be somethin >///<"
Michael:" didnt make any senses, no point NEXT"
Cecilia:"what u guyss talking about.. ah... da man? or Janet?"
Regina:"搞什麼丫.. 誰不make senses, 還是誰刷毛.. 下一個啦,搞不懂"
Dustin:"wakaka.. let go to Calisa's house after this class.. we're out! rite?"
Esther:"Cool.. cooking together.. mumu.. tat's great!"
Rita:" ok la.. up to u guyzz.. by da way, whats da teacher talking about? shit, i can't understand lu.. HELP HELP "
Edmond: "talking shit, hehe.. be nice , have fun!"
Wylie:"who can give me a hug, i want to die ><" DD:" o去,o去,o去.. go ahead , hurry up!"
Linda" i love u wylie, haha.. hug hug.. come on!"
其實還有一堆.. 越來越離題.. 就不打下去啦! 無奈.. 哈哈
紙條轉回來變將子!! 真滴很瞎[:P] 大家請回主題好不好阿!
大家作文都零蛋啦~ 不切題[:-]
PS. 其實那黑人是在用一個小刷子刷他下巴滴毛啦! 大家不要亂想
Calisa這次真滴沒有色耶.. 怪怪滴... 好好笑喔[:|]