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 ~Mimi~想要放假.. 的日記本
萬聖節~ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 感恩節要感恩...
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篇名: 轉貼一朗最新新聞~
作者: ~Mimi~想要放假.. 日期: 2007.11.10  天氣:  心情:
Ichiro nabs second Silver Slugger Award!!!

Just a few days after receiving his seventh Gold Glove, Ichiro captured his second career Silver Slugger Award, which recognizes the best offensive producer at every position. He also won the award in 2001, his rookie season in which he was the American League MVP. The award comes three days after Ichiro won his seventh straight Gold Glove.

The Silver Slugger winners are determined by a vote of Major League Baseball coaches and managers. Selections are based on a combination of offensive statistics, including batting average, on-base percentage, and slugging percentage, as well as the coaches and managers general impressions of a player s overall offensive value.

Ichiro added another precious metal to his 2007 award collection today~~

瀏覽次數:70    人氣指數:3790    累積鼓勵:186
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萬聖節~ 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 感恩節要感恩...
時間:2008-01-28 07:45
她, 47歲,San Francisco,教育研究
時間:2008-01-28 07:41
他, 46歲,高雄市,教育研究
作者回覆說[2008-01-28 07:45]:

所以就是降子才難得阿~~一朗是個不斷求進步的球員,隊自己的要求很高,給自己定的目標也高,就是降子才會不停的有好的表現!! 一朗,讚啦!! 等不及暑假的到來,降子又會有機會看到一朗在SD比賽囉!
