一夢如是 by HITA - A Dream Like This:
All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow, like dew or a flash of lightning; thus we shall perceive them.
From《The Diamond Sutra》
因為曾汙濁所以高潔,因為不拒絕所以學會放下,因為殘缺所以圓滿。「一切有為法,如夢幻泡影,如露亦如電,應作如是觀。」(All conditioned phenomena are like a dream, an illusion, a bubble, a shadow, like dew or a flash of lightning; thus we shall perceive them.) 這一段金剛經 (The Diamond of Perfect Wisdom Sutra),是他譯出的經文中最廣為後人所知的一段,金庸在《天龍八部》裡將其概括為「一夢如是」,得到的和拋棄的,一夢如是!