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 charlene 的日記本
心情 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 合歡山下雪了!!
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篇名: We won the game
作者: charlene 日期: 2011.04.14  天氣:  心情:

Our school
had a basketball game these few days. My students won the first game, everyone was so happy. I bought them drinks.

But the second game, we competed with the best class, we lost to them. 

And then we had the third game to get the number 3 this morning, we won again.
I bought drinks for everyone of my class.

There is a volleyball game in next month. I bought 2 volleyballs for my students to practice.

I was a school team menber in high school,I think that I can teach them how to play a volleyball.

瀏覽次數:157    人氣指數:3157    累積鼓勵:150
 切換閱讀模式  回應  給他日記貼紙   給他愛的鼓勵 檢舉
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心情 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 合歡山下雪了!!
時間:2011-05-04 00:16
他, 57歲,台北市,其他
時間:2011-04-25 16:33
他, 99歲,Batangas,農漁牧
時間:2011-04-21 20:35
他, 42歲,台中市,其他
時間:2011-04-18 08:40
他, 99歲,Batangas,農漁牧
時間:2011-04-18 08:38
他, 99歲,Batangas,農漁牧
時間:2011-04-17 12:13
他, 42歲,台中市,其他
時間:2011-04-14 23:31
他, 49歲,新北市,服務
時間:2011-04-14 23:28
他, 49歲,新北市,服務
時間:2011-04-14 23:19
她, 53歲,高雄市,金融保險
時間:2011-04-14 23:17
他, 49歲,新北市,服務

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