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 EMMA 的日記本
濫愛 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Andy Warhol
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篇名: close to YOU
作者: EMMA 日期: 2009.02.05  天氣:  心情:
I m short-tempered recently,many things to be in a tangle around me.

I m trying to get out from those pains...

It is tired...

Struggle in the darkness everyday

I don t know what kinds of problems I must face today

Just live in a fear life and camouflaged in a happy way...


I pick up my confidence,because of you

I learn to put the pains down

This is the very first time I can relieved on ones

Just relax and enjoy every moment u stand by me

Maybe it will become a type I solving the questions

Maybe I m a coward

But I will be stronger more, whether next time what fates will be coming

Just to hold what I have now

Don’t waste anymore

I have no more times

Give me a tranquil life

But this looks like the matter which is not I may decide
瀏覽次數:63    人氣指數:663    累積鼓勵:30
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