Sorry seems to be the hardest word
確實是很多女人的矜持 更是男人的固執 死鴨子嘴硬
也許 也已經覺察道是自己錯了
只是因為面子 為了那一丁點僅存的自尊 就是無法說出口來
真的值得為了面子 因為矜持 而放棄了感情嗎?
逼對方說這一句話 真的有這麼重要嗎? 重要到值得決裂?
是愛比較重要? 還是一句 “Sorry” 重要?
開始鑽牛角尖的人 永遠想不明白這個道理…
一個經典小說與電影 Love Story 的結局
男主角最後對自己的父親說了一句 女主角生前最愛說的話:
“Love, you never have to say you’re sorry.”
Sorry seems to be the hardest word
“Sorry” 竟是如此的難以啟齒
What i got to do to make you love me? 我要如何做才會使你愛我?
What i got to do to make you care? 我要如何做才會讓你在乎
What do i do when lightning strikes me? 當閃電劈來我該做些甚麼?
and i wake to find that you're not there. 尤其當我醒來時發現你已不在身邊
What i got to do to make you want me? 我要如何做才會讓你想要我?
What i got to do to be heard? 我要如何做才會使你聽見
What do i say when it's all over? 當一切結束時我又該說些什麼?
Sorry seems to be the hardest word. “Sorry” 竟是如此的難以啟齒
It's sad, so sad 悲傷,很悲傷
It's a sad, sad situation. 這是一種你我倆傷的窘境
and it's getting more and more absurd. 而且情況是越來越糟了
It's sad, so sad 悲傷,好悲傷
Why can't we talk it over? 為什麼我們不能好好談一談?
Oh it seems to me 噢,對我來說
that sorry seems to be the hardest word. “Sorry” 竟是如此的難以啟齒