Last week, my friend told me that he is doing a movie screening for Shinjuku Incident tomorrow at CAA in Century City 7pm. He invited me to watch the movie and a chance to meet with Daniel Wu. He said he can only get couple of peoples on the vip list but preferably ladies!! I got super excited when I heard the news so I told my friend put me and one of my girl friend on the vip list~ 不過就在剛剛我朋友說她沒辦法去因為工作.. 於是我就問了我另一個好姊妹可不可以陪我去 她給我的答案卻是: "我去的話那我男友怎麼辦?" 而我說:"可是我不能帶男生而且只有兩個鐘頭阿~ 我想看吳彥祖 跟我去嘛!" 她說:"那妳問我男友". 唉~ 聽到這我就跟她說算了我再找別人好了.. 因為我感覺的出來她跟本不想去 而我也沒有必要一直魯她! 姊妹們在單身時永遠都是形影不離 一但有了另一伴 往往愛情都是勝過友情!!~~~