陰 4月...已經22號了, 我在等... 12:18am 今天分別收到兩封經理傳來的e-mail, 兩封我都是直接打電話去找她講。 因為我覺得應該讓她聽到我的語氣! 第一封﹕ Pls stay in the Macau office from 28-30 and collect the stock paper to the office on 2nd May. 我的回覆﹕ 我會在30號晚上回香港, 而店鋪都得在打烊後才會整理好當天的stock paper, 所以4月30日的請安排快遞收件。 第二封﹕ This afternoon, XX said you have left some job in her section. She will not do it temporarily. Pls advise what it is, will it the lst priority. Will it affect the operation? 我的回覆﹕ 她到底有甚麼問題﹖ 甚麼都不用她做好不! 有甚麼事就只會推...(下刪百多字) 聽得出經理對XX也沒辦法。 真爛。 6:39pm