工作磨出了我的耐性和圓潤 生活磨掉了我的驕傲和固執 也快磨掉了我的憧憬和目標 我的sinequanone跟我一樣在衣櫃裡晾著。皺了。不再光彩 有時後壞疑這個舉動 有時後希望我不曾在這裡 ~o) 【Hayley Westenra】 Through the window of my soul All the secrets that i hold Will be your to share for always, always Like a whisper in the wind Gentle breeze touches my skin And I know you're wiht me always, always I can feel it in the air The fire that we share Can only come from deep within It's a light that burns so bright It guides you through the night And leads you to me So find your way back And hold he , touch me Let the love come rushing throught me I'm yours with every breath I take forever and ever hold on, to love cause deep down That's what we're made of Never let go for my heart's sake 【cause my heart belongs to u】