1. Guilt comes from a frightened part of your personality. 1. 內疚來源於你性格中害怕的部分。 The actions that you regret also came from a frightened part of your personality. Following fear with fear moves you in the opposite direction that your spiritual development requires, which is toward love. 後悔來自於性格中害怕的部分。一味地擔心只會讓自己與精神發展需要的方向背道而馳,你應該選擇的正確方向是通往愛的方向。 2. Guilt impairs your ability to learn from your experiences. 2. 內疚阻礙了你從經驗中學習的能力。 When you see something that you could have done differently, remember how you could have spoken or acted in love instead of fear. This helps you apply what you have learned and keeps you from feeling more guilty. Your experiences are designed to support, and benefit you, not cause you to contract into fear and remorse. 想想看如果你在充滿愛而不是害怕的情況下會如何說話、如何做事,事情的結果是不是就會大有不同呢。內心充滿愛能夠幫助你學以致用,而不是讓你在做事的時候更多地感到內疚。你的經歷是用來支持和幫助你,而不是讓你陷入恐懼和悔恨的。 3. Guilt keeps you from being honest with others and yourself. 3. 內疚讓你不誠實地面對他人和自己。 It keeps you from seeing that you cannot cause another person emotional pain. You can trigger emotional pain in others, but their pain comes from inside them, not from you. Their pain is an opportunity for them to learn about themselves. Your pain is an opportunity for you to learn about yourself. Guilt distracts you from that crucial lesson. 內疚會讓你忘記“你不會造成他人精神痛苦”的道理。你能引起別人的痛苦,但是他們的痛苦是來源於內心,而不是你。他們的痛苦是瞭解自己的一個機會。你的也一樣。 4. The relationship between guilt and forgiveness may surprise you. 4. 你可能會訝異內疚與原諒的關係。 Guilt is actually a twisted or manipulative way of seeking forgiveness. It is the belief that if you inflict suffering on yourself for your choices, another will forgive you for them. This is belief keeps you in pain because only you can forgive yourself. 內疚事實上是一種迂回、巧妙的尋求原諒的辦法。人們都相信如果你因自己的選擇備受煎熬,其他人會寬恕你。這樣的想法讓你活在痛苦中因為其實只有你才能原諒自己。 5. You cannot give the gifts that your soul wants you to give while you are feeling guilty. 5. 當你有負罪感時,就不能發揮靈魂給予你的天賦。
Your gifts may be to raise a family, create a new kind of business, write a book, or dance. When you choose not to forgive yourself, you choose not to give the gifts your soul wants to give. You can choose otherwise. You—like everyone—have gifts and you were born to give them. 你的天賦可能是養活家庭、創辦新業務,寫書或跳舞。當你選擇不原諒自己,就等於不接受靈魂賦予你的天賦。其實你可以有其他選擇的,你和其他人一樣有天賦,並且生來就是要好好把握這些天賦的。