冬天必備 Winter essential 麥當勞大戰肯德基 Kentucky Fried Chicken vs. McDonald 眼睛顧好才能看到更美好的事物 it pays to take care of your eye sight 這小朋友真的是佛心來的 little home make shrine for this his/hers dead silk worm 果然只要到義大利觀光, 大家都想搶救比薩斜塔....... Sure enough, everyone wants to rescue the Leaning Tower of Pisa 狗兄貓弟 Brothers 間諜....... Spy ....... (麥當勞叔叔: 您跑錯家了吧?!) 何謂霸凌 that’s bullying 好鼠四杯 Four cups of a good mouse 粉有誠意 that’s - LOVE