Today is mother's day !! (我親愛的媽媽 !今天是母親節!) I really wanna tell you some true words from my deep mind! (我想要對妳說說一些心裡話) Thank you taking care me for a long time!! (謝謝妳照顧我那麼久) No matter how tire you are after you off work, you still cooking for me! (在妳下班之後!不管妳有多疲憊!!你總會在為我 準備宵夜!!) Sometimes i in a bad mood, i'll yell to you. (也有許多時候 我心情不好對你發脾氣) But you didn't yell back to me, (但是 妳總不會再罵回來) Instead, you comfort me. (相對的!妳關心我怎麼了!並且安慰我!) Your love make me feel touched !! (妳的慈愛真的讓我很感動!!) I want to tell that i really love you, mom!! (我好想告訴妳 我真的好愛妳 媽!!)