It is from Korean Drama [ Whang Jin Yi ] -- Title : Plase look at me ( Whang Jin Yi O.S.T ) -- singer : Hae-Jin Park -- Main actor : Ji-Won Ha
P.S:She is very famous 'gisaeng' in the Joseon Dynasty.
'Gisaeng' is also a poet, singer and with a professional career in Korea during Joseon dynasty. It is completely diferrent from that of 'Geisha' in Japan.
'Hwang jin Yee' in the real life is a poet and her poem is introduced throughout the world. Her famous poem which is also expressed in the drama is as follows.
Long long november night! Let me cut thee in Two pieces. Under my Quilt, warm as spring, I put one piece in a roll. When he comes like a bridegroom .
I'll unroll thee to please my lord. -
번역 : 하태웅 – 劇情 / 劇照 / 連結 :