Jumping up and down the floor 在地板上上下下的跳著
My head is an animal 我的腦袋是隻動物
And once there was an animal 從前有隻動物
It had a son that mowed the lawn 他有個除草的兒子
The son was an OK guy 那兒子是個還可以的人
They had a pet dragonfly 他們有個寵物蜻蜓
The dragonfly it ran away 那隻蜻蜓跑掉了
But it came back with a story to say 但是他帶著個故事回來
Her dirty paws and furry coat 她的髒髒爪子跟毛茸茸的外衣
She ran down the forest slope 她跑下森林的斜坡
The forest of talking trees那個森林有會說話的樹
They used to sing about the birds and the bees 從前他們唱著有關小鳥與蜜蜂的故事
The bees had declared a war 蜜蜂們宣布開戰
The sky wasn’t big enough for them all 天空對他們而言還不夠大
The birds, they got help from below 小鳥們,他們有地面上的朋友的幫忙
From dirty paws and the creatures of snow 從髒髒爪子跟雪怪們
So for a while things were cold 所以有一段時間一切都是冰冷的
They were scared down in their holes 他們嚇得躲在他們的洞裡
The forest that once was green 森林從前是綠油油的
Was colored black by those killing machines 被那些殺人機器弄得黑漆漆的
But she and her furry friends 但是她跟她的毛茸茸的朋友們
Took down the queen bee and her men 擊敗了蜂后跟她的部下
And that’s how the story goes 這就是這個故事的發展
The story of the beast with those four dirty paws 有髒髒爪子的怪獸的故事