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 Jesse 的日記本
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篇名: Resolution
作者: Jesse 日期: 2013.01.02  天氣:  心情:
The new year holidays ended so quickly and its time to get back to work.
Whether it was happy or not in the past year. We shall look forward and keep on fighting.
If you have any resolution worth keeping, you win a ticket to the future.
(if anything wrong in grammar, word, or structure of what i type, please give me corrections. I'll be very appreciate)

"Watch your thoughts, as they'll become words"
"Watch your words, as they'll become actions"
"Watch your actions, as they'll become habits"
"Watch your habits, as they'll become character"
"Watch your character, as they'll become your destiny"
"What we think, we'll become"

~Margaret H. Thatcher~

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