我朋友昨天跟我說,她的前男友回台灣2個禮拜(who she really likes) 跟她說他沒有女朋友,結果我朋友又滿懷希望的要跟他復合。結果,那男的後來被逼問下,坦承他在Canada已有女友了,也交往了3個月。我朋友之後超難過的,覺得為何他還要騙她,讓她有希望。
當下,我覺得有時being single isn t that bad at all. 就不會有這些drama happening.
曾經讀到一句話 you will never know what the other person is thinking. Maybe you will spend your whole life together but still don t know what he has in mind.
我常常在想,愛情是一場不用負責任的relationship. Whereas marriage is a ritual of becoming grown ups. Its gambling with your youth on building a life together. 但你無法 guarantee on how stable the other person will be.