這間大學向來以 Art and Music 聞明, 但在 Engineering 上還不如聖荷西大學
我也答應老大會在 4/25 陪他再看看這間大學的 Engineering 的 open house
我分析給老大聽, 大學四年環境固然重要, 但更重要的是你畢業後是否容易找到工作
況且 UC 學校偏重學術, 除非你愛唸書, 將來想繼續唸碩士, 若想就業, 聖荷西的很多教授
都是矽谷大公司像 Cisco, HP, Google, Apple 等公司的高級主管, 將來就業, 甚至在學時的
實習都是很容易就得到的,要知道什麼是 Major, 什麼是 Minor
他只是點頭但不言不語, 我知道他心理想什麼
唉 小孩那裡會想到這麼深遠呢
算了, 盡到我的責任就夠了. Just as I said before
"Your future is in your hand, I can only give you my advise"
該學會放手了, 年輕人有自己的想法, 不想去左右他了
蟄伏了兩年沒有去投資了, 得為了他的學費把我經濟所學再次動起來了
呵 想來也是滿刺激的, 可能我也算風險性高的人吧, 隱藏性的
聽 Air Supply 的 Two Less Lonely People In The World
I was down my dreams were wearing thin
When you're lost where do you begin
My heart always seemed to drift from day to day
Looking for the love that never came my way
Then you smiled and I reached out to you
I could tell you were lonely too
One look and then it all began for you and me
The moment that we touched I knew that there would be
Two less lonely people in the world
And it's gonna be fine
Out of all the people in the world
I just can't believe you're mine
In my life where everything was wrong
Something finally went right
Now there's two less lonely people
In the world tonight
Just to think what I might have missed
Looking back how did I exist
I dreamed, still I never thought I'd come this far
But miracles come true, I know 'cause here we are
Tonight I fell in love with you
And all the things I never knew
Seemed to come to me somehow
Baby, love is here and now there's