( 視頻 / UNDERHOLDNING )我 januar 2009 besøkte第六泰國芭堤雅我 。 明鏡 fikk 六 oppleve 德特antastiske 阻力 SHOWET 每年 DET 的 berømte
阿爾卡薩 - 索姆 jeg 埃特 tillatelse fikk的LOV å filme。 Alle 索姆兒醫學呃 unge 排水溝 ,對索姆 kalles “katoya” - 埃勒OGSA 的 “Ladyboys” – 這是一個電影 , 從一個偉大和壯觀的拖動 , 顯示芭堤雅 2009 年。
製作:STUDI O21 - 克里斯滕森撕毀
( VIDEO / UNDERHOLDNING ) I januar 2009 besøkte vi Pattaya i Thailand. Der fikk vi oppleve dette fantastiskeDRAG SHOWET på det berømte ALCAZAR - som jeg etter tillatelse fikk lov å filme. Alle som er med er unge gutter,
som kalles for "katoya" - eller også "Ladyboys"- This is a movie from a great and spectacular Drag Show in Pattaya 2009. Made by:
STUDIO21 - Tore Christensen.
PHOTOS & VIDEO OF THE SHOW! Roger and Ernie's Holidays in
Thailand. We went to see the great Simon's Cabaret with The
Lady Boys show! It was and Amazing Night!
I uploaded a 2nd video of the show with natural sound!
Search for : Roger & Ernie - Simon's Cabaret -
Show with Sound - Thailand - Dec 2007
顯示的照片科技視頻 ! 羅傑和泰國的厄尼的假期。
我們去看女孩子顯示大西門的酒店!這是令人驚異的夜 !
我上傳 2 視頻的脫口秀自然的聲音 !
搜索: 羅傑科技厄尼 - 西蒙的酒店 - 顯示聲音 - 泰國 -
2007 年 12 月
3. - Alcazar Show , Pattaya
4. - Bangkok Newhalf.
5 . - Tiffany Show's Baby V.O.X
Here's the video of my favorite ladyboy cast member at the
Tiffany Show in Pattaya. She stars here in their video
conducting an interview and perfoming a Baby VOX number with 4
other cast members. Her beauty is unparalleled. Wish I know
Thai so I could contact her. Her beauty is surpassed, perhaps,
only by her grace. The way she moves, carries herself, and her
mannerisms are amazing. She portrays complete feminine beauty.
I finally was able to put this video together, and she is my avorite. Easily
stealing my heart from Miriam, Karol, etc. Everyone else is a distant second .