Expended Exercise
The following exercise includes a case study and a team exercise. In preparation for the exercise, you will need to carefully read the Kensi Manufacturing Inc. case that follows.
以下鍛煉包括一個專題研究和一隊鍛煉。為準備鍛煉, 您將需要仔細地讀隨後而來的Kensi Manufacturing Inc. 盒。
Kensi Manufacturing lnc. Case and Exercise."Open the hood of a car made anywhere in the world. You are bound to find Kensi-made components. The company is a world leader in supplying components that make cars run safely, cleanly, and economically." This quote can be found on the first page of Kensi's 1997 annual report. It is the automotive parts that Kensi is most recognized but not limited to air conditioners and heaters, radiators, and filters. However, through today's technology, Kensi has expanded into nonautomotive products as well, such as telecommunications and information systems. Their air conditioning and heating systems and related components maintain their largest percent of net sales (34 percent).
Kensi 製造業lnc. 案件和鍛煉"打開汽車的敞篷被做世界上任何地方。您一定對發現Kensi 做的組分。公司是世界領導在做汽車安全地, 乾淨地, 和經濟上運行的供應的組分。" 這行情可能被發現在Kensi 的1997 年終報告第一頁。這是汽車零件, Kensi 是被認出但對空調沒限制和加熱器、幅射器, 和過濾器。但是, 通過今天技術, Kensi 擴展了入nonautomotive 產品, 譬如電信和資訊系統。他們的空調和加熱系統和相關組分維護淨銷售量(百分之34 的) 他們的最大的百分之。
Established in December 1949, the corporate headquarters of Kensi is located in Kariya, Japan. Kense has growm into a worldwide organization with locations through-out Asia, North America, Europe, Australia, and South America. This case will focus on Kensi Manufacturing Inc, (KMI), in production since 1986 KMI services over 15 customers including Chrysler, Toyota and Mercedes-Benz. The company concentrates on designing and producing advanced automotive heating and cooling systems. It employs over 1,650 associates in 1998, and net sales as of 1995 were $703 million.
建立在1949 年12月, Kensi 公司總部位於Kariya, 日本。Kense 有生產入全世界組織以地點在亞洲、北美洲、歐洲、澳洲, 和南美洲過程中。這個案件將集中於Kensi 製造業公司, (KMI), 在生產從1986 KMI 服務15 名顧客包括克萊斯勒、豐田和賓士車。公司集中在設計和導致先進的汽車熱化和冷卻系統。1998 年它使用1,650 個同事, 並且淨銷售量1995 自是$703 百萬。
Furthermore, KMI has won over 50 awards since its establishment. A KMI brochure states that "companies all over the world seek us out as a benchmsrk of excellence, and Industry Week magazine has named us one of the 10 best manufacturers in the United States. "this plant has been recognized for many outstanding accomplishments from quality and customer service to a strong dedication to the community and the environment.
此外, KMI 贏取了50 個褒獎從它的創立。KMI 小冊子闡明, "公司全世界尋找我們作為優秀benchmsrk, 並且產業星期雜誌說出我們名字10 位最佳的製造者的當中一個在美國。"這棵植物被認可了為許多卓著的成就從質量和為強的致力的顧客服務對社區和環境。
Plant tour
A unique architectural entrance greets both employees of and visitors to KMI. The front lobby and the hallways are typical of most plant office areas. However upon entering, the professional workers' area, peculiar layout is revealed. There is one large room containing an army of desks for those working in areas such as HR and finance. No cubicle walls exist。Each person has his or her desk, chair, and one file cabinet. Each department shares a table or two as well as a community computer. Signs hang down from the ceiling indicating the territories of each department. With no partitions the noise level is a bit distracting, which probably takes new employees some getting used to. A separate office does not distinguish the managers of each department. Their status is shown by the placement of their desks on the outskirts of the room and their possession of a gray chair versus the red chairs of the other employees.
Before entering the plant floor where production is taking place, one is required to wear safety goggles.
Ear plugs are also available to those interested because, despite the fact that Kensi's noise level is 15 percent better than OSHA standards, it is nevertheless necessary to yell if one is expected to be heard.
Along two sides of the plant are long runways that allow trucks to actually drive through the plant for shipping and receiving. The center of the floor is filled with machines, assembly lines, materials, and workers.
Spuriously located are small areas containing two tables. These areas are referred to as the Hot Spots.
This is where each production team meets for breaks and their daily 5-10 minute meetings. The walls of these areas contain a Job Knowledge Matrix, which informs everyone exactly what each worker is trained on.
An Overtime Rotation is also poster noting who is next in line to perform overtime. Finally, the walls display any awards that the team may have received in order to give them the recognition that they deserve.
The plant provides a 24-hour cafeteria for the employees of all three shifts. Job posting boards are hanging throughout the plant listing any open positions for which KMI is actively recruiting. There is also a medical department with nurses on staff 24hours a day. A recreation center is located in a separate building just outside of the plant. This benefit includes everything from cardiovascular equipment to on site fitness experts to their very own baseball diamond.
Communication Channels
Athe associates of KMI have numerous systems in place for their communication needs.
Initially, when employees reach an obstacle, they are encouraged to speak with their team leader.
If an associate prefers to speak with HR, they may do so with their assigned associate relations representative.
The A/R Rep. spends time on the floor each day, allowing the associates to ask questions.
Each production team also assigns a delegate to attend at least two vice president meetings each year.
These meetings are held every three to four months and last about one hour.
Before each meeting the delegate collects questions and concerns from teammates to bring up for discussion.
if not all of thesse concerns are addressed in the meeting, they are collected and answered in writing through the meeting minutes.
The vice president of human resources has a direct line, known as the "red phone," solely devoted to answer it, and if he or she is directly unavailable at any point in time, an answering machine will take messages that will be addressed as soon as possible.
The president of KMI has a comment box, commonly referred to as "George's Box"
It is conveniently located at the employee entrance so that workers can address any of their concerns.
The box is emptied twice a week by the president's administrative assistant, and is in turn presented to the president.
His pesponse is typically in writing.
Focal point committees are also an important resource for the associates to tap regarding their concerns.
these committees are conceived when major policy emerge that require associate input.
The committee members must be in good standing with the company.
For example, any individual under written discipline would be excluded from participation in a focal point committee.
there are many other means of communication within KMI.
Shop talk, the quarterly newsletter, keeps Associates informed of issues arising within the company.
televisions, scrolling signs, and"hot news"boards located throughout the pant, as well as e-mail and voice mail, are other ways to inform employees of current events, and important information within KMI.
Issues Facing KMI問題面對KMI
Through conversations with employees and managers as well as through the KIM quarterly newsletter, Shop Talk, a huge issue facing this plant becomes abundantly apparent, The frequent long workdays are allowing employees to accrue quite a bit of overtime. The 1998 Special Edition of Shop Talk in its cover story claims that "while the extra money is nice, it's still hard to put your personal life (and hyour loved ones) on hold for long stretches."Due to the extensive demand today for KMI products and the large number of new products, the overtime level has hit a record rate. With the need for overtime comes the need for more employees as well as temporary workers to reduce that time. However, unemployment is at a low percentage nationally (4.7 percent as of December 1997). Thus absences are another major concern within KMI. A balance is essential in order to simultaneously satisfy the organizational objectives and the needs of the employees. The question is, What are managers and human resources doing about this need?
通過交談與雇員和經理並且通過金季度時事通訊, 商店談話, 一個巨大的問題面對這棵植物變得非常明顯, 頻繁長的工作日允許雇員累積相當超時。商店談話的1998 特刊在它的封面故事聲稱"當額外金錢是好的, 它是堅硬把您的個人生活(和hyour 放家族) 在舉行上為長的stretches."Due 對廣泛的需求今天對KMI 產品並且很大數量的新產品, 額外時間水平擊中了記錄率。以對額外時間的需要來需要對於更多雇員並且臨時工減少那時候。但是, 失業全國性是在低百分比(百分之4.7 1997 自12月) 。因而離開是其它主要關心在KMI 之內。平衡是根本為了同時滿足組織宗旨和雇員的需要。問題, 什麼是經理和人力資源做□關於這需要?
KMI human resources is faced with the problem of managing production schedules while allowing associates time off . Over the next six months, 48 hours of overtime per month need to be worked by all associates in order to satisfy the tremendous demand for KMI products. The manager of HR needs to collect data and gather advice, meeting with a self-making group at KMI to develop a solution to this problem . As preparation for class, please consider the following question:
KMI 人力資源面對處理生產日程的問題當允許同時間聯繫在一起。在下六個月期間, 48 個小時額外時間每月需要在所有同事旁邊工作為了滿足對KMI 產品的巨大需求。小時的經理需要收集資料和會集忠告, 遇見一個自已製造的小組在KMI 開發解答對這個問題。作為準備為類, 請考慮以下問題:
1. To what extent does KMI's strategy in regard to the employment relationship reflect a workforce commitment, labor transactional, or mixed approach? Be sure to identify the HR practices that support your rationale for your thinking.
在何種程度上KMI 的戰略關於就業關係反射勞工承諾、勞方交易上, 或被混合的方法? 請務必辨認支持您的理論基礎為您認為的小時實踐。
2. What are alternatives that you think KMI should consider to manage the overtime problem? What are preferred solutions from the employee perspective? from the management perspective? Is the overtime decision an example of an HR activity reflecting transactions, transitions, translations, or transformations? Is it a unilateral, negotiated, or imposed decision?
什麼是選擇, 您認為KMI 應該考慮處理額外時間問題? 什麼是更喜歡的解答從雇員透視? 從管理透視? 額外時間決定是小時活動反射的交易、轉折、翻譯, 或變革的例子嗎? 這是一個單邊, 談判的, 或強加的決定嗎?