好落寞~~四年一度的世足賽又落幕了!!西班牙沒有辜負我的期望!David Villa好可口! 上ㄧ屆才開始迷上世足~時間超快!!四年又過去了!當年結束時還在感嘆要在等四年才能欣賞到精采的賽事! 沒想到~~ㄧ轉眼又要再等待下一個四年! 下一屆!!一定要親臨現場觀賽!巴西阿~~令人嚮往的國家! 到時候我也30好幾了!!:P @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I have paid for VIP Again after a couple of years! I don't know what I am expecting! Maybe I just wanna type more English words in my diary! Maybe I just wanna remind those days being with HIM!! Whatever~I am getting too old to expect something to happen!B-)