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 進擊的芋頭 的日記本
我需要時間沉澱 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 情侶是否還記得誰先說我愛你?
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篇名: [轉]一生中必要的8種"麻吉"
作者: 進擊的芋頭 日期: 2013.08.06  天氣:  心情:
1.推手(Builder): 激勵和鼓勵我們的朋友,他們會讓我們站上終點線,在那之前,即使需要冒點風險他們也願意承擔,不斷激勵你向上發展和真心想讓你獲得成功,付出代價也在所不惜。 
2.支柱(Champion): 當你孤立無援,願意為你挺身而出的朋友有沒有?這群朋友深深為你感到驕傲並且會讚美你,他們不僅在你面前稱讚你也會一路“力挺”你——無論是否在你身旁,有沒有常聯繫,他們一樣做你的支柱永遠“挺到底”。 
3.同好(Collaborator): 你門擁有相同或類似的嗜好,可以奠定長久深厚的情誼,你們經常有話聊,你也很能樂在其中,而且你經常會發現無論是在生活或工作領域中,這類型的朋友能激發出你的潛能,相互砥礪切磋求進步共同成長。 
4.夥伴(Companion): 無論你遇到了什麼樣的狀況,這類型的朋友總是等在那裡聽你隨時召喚。珍惜彼此相處的日子,聽分享你生命中點點滴滴的過程,當你面臨了生命中重大的抉擇時,他會是你第一個想到要找來商量的人。 
5.貴人(Connector): 生命中的貴人是一座橋樑,他因為了解你而將你轉介紹給其他人認識,有事沒事就邀你共進午餐或是有其他的聚會活動也會邀你參加,讓你有機會認識其他的新朋友,我們因這類型的朋友而富有,也因這類型的朋友而發達。 
6.開心果(Energizer): 生命中需要有歡樂,擁有快樂和希望時,這類型的朋友就會出現製造歡樂將所有快樂和希望種子帶給我們,當你跟他們相處時總是感到自己的能量很hign,尤其當你低潮時,他們能夠幫你將整個能量提升上去,讓你煥然一新擁有很棒很美好的一天。 
7.開拓者(Mind Opener): 開拓者的朋友能夠幫你勇於嘗試擴展自己的視野和經歷,鼓勵你接受新思想、新機會、接觸不同的文化和人們。他們會挑戰你開創新的概念和積極作出改變,他們也懂得問對問題讓你思考而茅塞頓開,你會豐富自己和創造多采多姿的生活,更重要的是你的朋友會愈來愈多元和廣泛。
 8.導師(Navigator): 這類型的朋友有助於給予忠告,引導我們步入正軌,當你需要他們時,你會主動走向前去請教,他們透過質疑或跟你討論利弊正負直到你自己發現答案。在你面臨困境時,你需要這類型的朋友在你身旁,真正能從穩固的現實基礎上讓你看見積極可靠的未來。 每一個人都是獨特的,從賞識自己做起,賞識我們的朋友,我們會發現生命中的奇蹟,就在於我們的學習和自我的提升。
 1. Builder “Builders are great motivators, always pushing you toward the finish line. They continually invest in your development and genuinely want you to succeed — even if it means they have to go out on a limb for you” 
2. Champion “Champions stand up for you and what you believe in. They are the friends who sing your praises. Every day, this makes a difference in your life. Not only do they praise you in your presence, but a Champion also ‘has your back’ — and will stand up for you when you’re not around”
 3. Collaborator “A collaborator is a friend with similar interests — the basis for many great friendships. … When you talk with a collaborator, you’re on familiar ground … you often find that you have similar ambitions in work and life”
 4. Companion “A companion is always there for you, whatever the circumstance. You share a bond that is virtually unbreakable. When something big happens in your life, this is one of the first people you call” 
5. Connector “A connector is a bridge builder. …. Connectors get to know you — and then introduce you to others” . Connectors are always inviting you to lunch and other gatherings where you can meet new people, and point you in the right direction when you need something.
 6. Energizer “Energizers are your ‘fun friends’ who always give you a boost. You have more positive moments when you are with these friends. Energizers are quick to pick you up when you’re down — and can make a good day great” 
7. Mind Opener ‘Mind Openers are the friends who expand your horizons and encourage you to embrace new ideas, opportunities, cultures, and people. They challenge you to think in innovative ways and help you create positive change. Mind Openers know how to ask good questions, and this makes you more receptive to ideas”
 8. Navigator “Navigators are the friends who give you advice and keep you headed in the right direction. You go to them when you need guidance, and they talk through the pros and cons with you until you find an answer. In a difficult situation, you need a Navigator by your side. They help you see a positive future while keeping things grounded in reality” Tom Rath
瀏覽次數:172    人氣指數:1172    累積鼓勵:50
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我需要時間沉澱 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 情侶是否還記得誰先說我愛你?