人生有太多未知~ 我不知道放不下的是什麼! 我只知道該承擔的是什麼! 最近老是有莫名的感概~ 感情到底是什麼? 是習慣?是依賴?是共存?是信賴?是猜忌?是冷淡?是需求? 很多很多的"是"~ 可是~~卻沒有"未來"~~沒有"期待"! 我是理性的人~~也偶爾想要感性! 我是堅強的人~~也偶爾想要軟弱! 我是幽默的人~~也偶爾想要憂傷! 我是講理的人~~也偶爾想要耍賴! 今天的我~~也uner the weather! I've got fortune told that I have to bear more responsibilities! Even though I was told you might be not the one, I wouldn't let go! Really? I've been the one who's cared about it much more? How about YOU? I feel worn out!:-&:-&