你一直說 我們的愛情就像一部公路電影 You always say our love is like highway movie 我是在這輛公車上認識你 I met you on this bus... 以及 離開你的 and left you 你都怎麼形容這樣的巧合 How do you describe a coincidence like this
OS: 如果說有什麼讓我難過的(Jolin) If there is a thing that upsets me is that 那就是你假裝不認識我(Jolin) You pretend that you don't know me 我假裝不認識你(Jolin) I pretend that I don't know you 我想跟你說的是(男) The thing that I want to say to you is 我從來沒有想要傷害你(男) I never wanted to hurt you 我只是想要多一點自己的空間(男) I just wanted more space for myself 你說那不是背叛 只是一種自由(Jolin) Don't call it betrayal It's just a kind of freedom
OS:(jolin) 我看著你 瞳孔似乎適應了黑暗 When I am looking at you My eyes seen to get used to the darkness 但是 對你的焦距卻越來越模糊 But are getting out of focus 一直到現在我才發現 I only found out until now that 愛你 跟不愛你 都是不能假裝的 To love you or not cannot be forced