檔案狀態:    住戶編號:1397147
 Tommy『♥』偷米 的日記本
變天 ? 《前一篇 回他的日記本 後一篇》 難懂?
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篇名: Was on leave
作者: Tommy『♥』偷米 日期: 2009.01.12  天氣:  心情:

Finally ......Had a vacation finally, 

goes to work such tired, and so on is this moment! 

But, this time rests these day of vacation probably very busy appearance?!

Because must go to many many places, 

Like this said that has the feeling to exit probably to play is the same!? 

Not this matter .......!

Wants why for what purpose this as for me not to be unimportant…

I only knew after I complete must does the matter, .....

Must well console me, well eats and drinks extravagantly!

Has entices very much Arab League, that walks Pakistan!

Goes to the revelry together…Eats and drinks extravagantly Pakistan, brothers!

Opens a joyful faction to be right!


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