這首歌 吸引了我..
還有 裡面講ㄉLili
這是 我第一ㄍ英文名字 我小時後在芝麻街裡老師幫我取ㄉ!
我一直都有跟老師通信 到高中 就沒有囉!
我問過她 為何他要幫我取這ㄍ名字 她說 因為Lilyㄉ中文意思是百合
她覺得第一次看到我 覺ㄉ我像朵白百合 呵...
那時候 我沒什麼感覺~
那是多麼 純淨 自然 ..
百合花的花 語: 純 潔 、 莊 嚴 ( 白 色 ) ; 清 純 高 雅 ( 淡 紅 色 ) ; 財 富 與 榮 耀 ( 黃 赤 色 )。
U-turn (Lili)
Lili,take another walk out of your fake world
please put all the drugs out of your hand
you'll see that you can breath without not back up
some much stuff you got to understand
for every step in any walk
any town of any thought
i'll be your guide
for every street of any scene
any place you've never been
i'll be your guide
lili,you know there's still a place for people like us
the same blood runs in every hand
you see its not the wings that makes the angel
just have to move the bats out of your head
for every step in any walk
any town of any thought
i'll be your guide
for every street of any scene
any place you've never been
i'll be your guide
lili,easy as a kiss we'll find an answer
put all your fears back in the shade
don't become a ghost without no colour
cause you're the best paint life ever made