Love Yourself
作詞:莫文蔚 / 作曲:伊秩弘將
Hiromasa Ijichi I don't need
some guy to wine and dine me
all the time I don't need som
e other guy to tell me I look
fine I won't hear a lie even
if it's all you have to say No
more empty promises to keep me
hanging on a line Just as the
music plays on and on each and
every day Hey Hey There is no
other way Simply smile a littl
e smile for you No matter what
you do Love yourself every way
Feeling good that's your natur
al right Love yourself every d
ay Looking good all thru' day a
nd night You oughtta know by no
w baby Feeling love is all you
need to be a lady All I need's
a lover who'll stand by me thru
' and thru' And I need a love t
hat's gonna stay forever true I
won't care at all even if you n
ever say "I love you" I've got b
etter things to do to make my dr
eams come true And if the music
dies life gose on each and every
day Hey Hey There is no other way
Simply smile a little smile for y
ou No matter what you do Love you
rself every way Feeling good that
's your natural right Love yourse
lf every way Looking good all thru
' day and night Love yourself ever
y way Walking tall hold your head
up high Love yourself every day Cl
ose your eyes feel the love inside
You oughtta know by now baby Lovin
g life is all you need to be a lady