Kiss the Girl There you see her 這首歌 Sitting there across the way 是迪士尼卡通 She don't got a lot to say 小美人魚的歌曲 But there's something about her And you don't know why 其實以前根本沒注意過這首歌 But you're dying to try 自從去買了CD後 You wanna kiss the girl 我就被這聲音迷住了 Yes, you want her Look at her, you know you do 但這首歌... Possible she wants you to 好像是Ashley唱的版本比較有名 There is one way to ask her It don't take a word 可是老實說 Not a single word 我比較喜歡 Go on and kiss the girl Peter Andre 唱的版本 Sha la la la la la, my oh my Look like the boy too shy 並沒有比較誰好誰不好 Ain't gonna kiss the girl 因為他們2位唱法還滿不一樣的 Sha la la la la la, ain't that sad 連歌詞 Ain't it a shame, too bad 跟曲的長度都有差 He gonna miss the girl Now's your moment Floating in a blue lagoon 重點是 Boy, you'd better do it soon 這首歌真的超可愛的 No time will be better She don't say a word And she won't say a word 唸書必備歌曲 Until you kiss the girl Sha la la la la la, don't be scared 還有另一首也是必備歌曲 You got the mood prepared 悲慘世界的 Go on and kiss the girl Master of house Sha la la la la la, don't stop now Don't try to hide it 不管哪一首 How you wanna kiss the girl 聽完 Sha la la la la la, float along 精神都來啦 And listen to the song The song say kiss the girl 可以繼續奮鬥 Sha la la la la la, the music play Do what the music say You gotta kiss the girl You've gotta kiss the girl 有興趣的 You wanna kiss the girl 可以去找來聽聽 You've gotta kiss the girl Go on and kiss the girl 台南... 突然間像是被丟進北極一樣 超冷 但聽說寒流過後... 又會恢復3天前那種熱度... 害我想換季的手 立刻停了下來