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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
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篇名: In Taichung
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.01.12  天氣:  心情:
Have been in Taichung a few days
Mainly to spend time with my elderly auntie (my mother s oldest sis)
Tomorrow my baby cousin and I will travel to Bangkok for a few days
Good thing the weather is summery over there so that we can escape the cold front in Taiwan =)

Have my return trip changed to be 2/4, after Chinese new year
I get to spend the holiday with my relatives in Taichung and Taipei
and also able to spend some more time with my best friend from childhood

feel pretty blessed
whatever real life I must face when I am back to LA can wait
this is the time for me to reconnect
瀏覽次數:99    人氣指數:2259    累積鼓勵:108
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