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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
Lost 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Work sucks
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篇名: Buy!
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.10.11  天氣:  心情:
REI is having a fall sale for members, 20% off regular priced items and 30% off outlet items
The catch is that there are only so many times the coupon can be reused by each member

I have to buy a good backpacking backpack, either a Gregory or an Osprey
No more secondary brands, they are just not designed for a short female torso with good weight distribution

So I bought 4 backpacks; 2 from Osprey and 2 from Gregory
Hopefully one of the 4 will be a keeper
It's all about the weight vs. comfort
2 are lighter weight under 4lb each
2 are delux, meaing the shoulder hardness and hip belt are molded and thicker, at over 5lb each

I also need a new sleeping mat
Am sick of sleeping 1 inch to the ground
First night is tolerable but gets unbearable as the nights wear on
This time it's gonna be Therm A Rest's NeoAir trekker at 2.5 inches between my body and the hard, cold earth!
The only gripe is that I have to blow it up manually

What else, yeah, a new pair of water sandals, a Keen Whisper
My feet shrink in size after losing all that weight so my Keen Venice was too big
One can not traverse streams and camp without a good pair of water sandals with toe protection

Other items are:
merino wool zip top long sleeve
merino wool crew neck T
a down sweater
merino wool hiking socks
all purpose helmet (for moutaineering, snowboarding, and hopefully rock climbing in the future)
ski goggles (have been borrowing my friend's, time to get my own pair)

So I have used up my coupon before getting my hands on crampons and an ice axe
Now I have to comb the web looking for deals on these items
With ice axe I also need spike cover, leash, and tip protectors (so the sharp points won't puncture backpack or luggage)
Crampons needs carrying bag

God only knows what else I must buy!

It's all $ out and no $ in
I can't believe that I am forking over lots of zeros just to buy the basics, not luxury
And I thought hiking is NOT expensive!
瀏覽次數:38    人氣指數:838    累積鼓勵:40
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Lost 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Work sucks
時間:2011-10-12 13:58
他, 54歲,Los Angeles,政府機關
時間:2011-10-12 13:17
他, 54歲,Los Angeles,政府機關
時間:2011-10-11 16:09
他, 54歲,Los Angeles,政府機關
