||>More Than I Can Say Oh, Oh! Yea, Yea! I love you more than I can say I'll love you twice as much tomorrow Oh, love you more than I can say Oh, Oh! Yea, Yea! I miss you every single day Why must my life be filled with sorrow? Oh, love you more than I can say Don't you know I need you so? Tell me please, I gotta know. Do you mean to make me cry? Am I just another guy? Oh, oh! Yea, Yea! I love you more than I can say I'll love you twice as much tomorrow Oh, love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say I love you more than I can say ~*~ 每年必舉行的民歌比賽又到了 今年導的決定還是唱英文歌 去年是唱oh carol 今年是More than I can say 我到昨天才開始練習... 越唱越順,才發現放入情感去唱 這首歌還滿好聽的[:E] 下禮拜一就要比賽了~~ 祝我們有好成績吧[:%%] ~*~ 冷冷的,房裡冷冷的... 感覺你好像走遠了 怎麼了,無措的... 尋找那抹身影,溫暖的笑臉 tHE﹏ENd*