Anita Borg proposed the "50/50 by 2020" initiative, so that women earning computing degrees would be 50% of the graduates by year 2020. However, the percentage of computer science degrees earned by women is still far from 50% in Taiwan. Please propose a specific initiative or program that could be implemented by a school, the government, an organization, or a private company that could reverse the trend. What would be the short and long term outcome of this initiative, and how would you measure its success?
有些學生答的很好,上圖即為其中一位博士班學生的問答,這些學生們提出了不少的洞見癥結如:父母會刻板地給小男生玩車女生玩洋娃娃、男生多念理工而女生念文科、資訊科學出來僅是修電腦的、工程師的刻板印象是常加班生活品質差等等的問題,但事實是電腦這個行業是可以非常好的(成果是可以真的幫忙讓這個世界變得更好)而且也適合女生,像 Google 裡面大多為資訊科學相關科系背景的,公司常常被選為【員工最愛的公司】,而很多女生在 Google 裡頗為成功同時又能兼顧家庭。 [:%%]