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篇名: Rim 2 Rim
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.10.12  天氣:  心情:

Grand Canyon Rim 2 Rim is happening this Saturday
Backpacker Magazine's 7th toughest day hike in USA
21 miles in reverse (7 miles down to Colorado River at 5000' loss, 7 miles in the flat/bottom of canyon, and then 7 miles climbing 6,000' back up to Grand Canyon)

Talked to the trip leader today
He also led a group to Mt. Langley that I was a part of (I summitted, he didn't)
He assured me that if I could summit Langley, I could definitely finish R2R

To be honest I am a bit scared because I feel tired easily lately
And I did not finish Iron Mountain the past weekend
That day everybody was climbing fast (I am talking about women my age) and I was struggling
It wasn't a good feeling

I have had hiker's high, feeling great going uphill in a moderately fast and steady no stopping pace (2 miles an hour going up in high altitude)
Not having it and struggle to climb is not a good feeling
This week I purposefully not do any cardio hikes or workout so that I may be itchy to work up a good sweat on Saturday

Fingers' crossed for a safe drive and a very enjoyable and successful first attempt at R2R

Why does it matter?

Because in 2 more weeks I have a C2C (Cactus to Clouds) to do
It's the 5th toughest day hike (a truly kick-arse hike by all accounts)
22 miles of close to 11,000' elevation gain (from desert floor to Mt. San Jacinto)
only 6 miles is downhill, 16 miles of non-stop climbing to cover that 11,000' gain
This is truly a no way out hike
Once we are above the desert and the sun comes out, there's no way to go down due to the temperature rising and the lack of shades and water along the trail
We have to beat the sun by going up a certain pace and at vvery least get to the tram station by the 10th mile.

If I felt lousy doing R2R, I may have to back out of C2C
Knock on wood!!

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