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 光的使者 的日記本
2007/10/12的日記 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 2007/10/14的日記
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篇名: 2007/10/13的日記
作者: 光的使者 日期: 2007.10.13  天氣:  心情:
There is no true happiness in the world until you are truthful to yourself.

There is no true relationship in the world until you are truthful to the people you love.

Don't be with a person who does not know how to appreciate you. Why do you want to be a person who does not make you feel good?

You cannot really know a person until you live with a person for a year. We usually have illusion of the people we fall in love. We create an image of what they would be like, but not the true reality of what they really are.

If the lack of truthfulness and the lack of sincerity is part of their character, please don’t waste any second on them. If you do, you are wasting your life.

You are worth million dollars. No one can tell how much you are worth unless you let them.

@};- to the most beautiful, brilliant you.
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