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 洛城熟眉 的日記本
Thoughts 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Hiking vs. Love
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篇名: Judge
作者: 洛城熟眉 日期: 2011.10.20  天氣:  心情:
I am old enough to realize that every person holds his/her own view points, moral, value system, and opinions.
Often it isn't about who's right or wrong
All the cumulative differences are the result of upbringing, culture, education, experiences, and other influences.

What I find hard to do is stuffing my view points/moral/value/opinions down someone else's throat
I had tried, believe me, but never succeeded
What people hold as if carved in stone often are so deep seated that it'd take a miracle to over-rule or alter
The older people are, the more so

Which also makes it hard for middle/old aged folks to find a match to establish a LTR with.
There are so few people whom we can see eye to eye on most of the major issues in life
Needless to say the finer points
All superficial attractions can only last for so long

Since it's so hard to change, when not seeing eye to eye, the natural conclusion is to part ways
Time is not on our side therefore why waste time trying to either 1. change our own rule set, or 2. change the other person's rule set.
Only young people possess the eternal hopefulness that they can change the other person or change themselves.

There are over 3 million registered users on this site, looking for whatever they are looking for
If you find one who's ideals and goals are different than yours, there's no need to get indignant or upset and there's no need to "educate" or "advice".
Just move on
There are other fish in the sea

Wish all who are sincere and honest able to find what you are looking for here.
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Thoughts 《前一篇 回她的日記本 後一篇》 Hiking vs. Love